

费曼组织你需要更有型的方式 Your Stylish Rainy Day Look PASOTTI丨雨季出行-侨福芳草地

你需要更有型的方式 Your Stylish Rainy Day Look PASOTTI丨雨季出行-侨福芳草地

In a rainy Beijing, don’t ever think about going out with an umbrella,or you may be all wet and not so chic. Maintain your stylish look despite the unfavorable weather. A good looking rain gear helps you do that. And it may just turn your not-so-great day into a wonderful day.
萌宠系列 全新上市
NEW INLux Collection

萌宠系列是PASOTTI于2017年推出的全新系列陈彼得 ,不同风格的萌宠形象均由米兰的著名艺术家设计马晓年 ,再由制伞匠人以铜质珐琅工艺手工制作而成。伞面依然采用品牌专利丝绸质感伞面,辅以航天级合金材质伞骨,在阻隔95%的紫外线,消除86%的太阳辐射的同时,能够抵御100km/h的大风。来看看有哪些令人爱不释手的选择:
Man Lux is a series of new umbrellas by PASOTTI introduced in 2017. All the different styles are designed by renowned artists and handmade by skillful artisans. Made with Pasotti’s signature silky fabrics and navigation-grademetal structure. These umbrellas can effectively block out 95% of UV rays,eliminates 86% of the sun ray, and resist wind up to 100km/hr. Here are some of the irresistible items.
Pink Cat Umbrella

猫头手柄可爱呆萌武魂重生 ,趣味十足,淡粉色耳朵与淡粉色伞面相互呼应,是实用性与美观性兼具的潮流单品。
Cat-head handle is cute and fun. The pink ears echo the pink fabric.It’s a practical and appealing gear for the rainy days.

Panda Umbrella

见到熊猫郭安迪 ,谁能不会心一笑谢楚余?
Who can resist a cute panda?
French Bulldog

The skillfully carved bulldog fully captures the cute, smart, and loyal side of the little dog. White and brown handles are also available.
Blue Nemo Umbrella

Nemo is brave and lucky. The umbrella features a blue Nemo handle and ablue rain forest pattern inside, creating yet another classic at Pasotti.
CLASSIC collection
Luxury Blue Dahlia Umbrella

亮丽饱满的彩色外伞面与绚丽的大丽花内伞面相映成趣,费曼组织 在晴雨两用兼具防晒的同时又能将使用者肤色衬托的白皙透亮亭房道 。大丽花搭配镶嵌宝石的雕花手柄吴起天气预报 。
Bright and saturated colors on the outside and the vivacious prints onthe inside, the umbrella is perfect for both sunny day and the rainy one. The bright colours enhances the skin’s radiance. The umbrella comes with gemstone-embellished handle.
Flamingo Umbrella

Silky solid colour fabric on the outside and the bright prints on the inside, the umbrella is perfect for both sunny day and the rainy one. The bright colours enhances the skin’s radiance. The umbrella comes with gemstone-embellished handle.
Golden Lion Head Umbrella

Premium resin handle further enhances the discreet luxurious design ofthe umbrella. The easy click also brings refreshing joy for the user.
Silver Skull Umbrella

Carved by Italian artisans, the skull handle perfectly matches the vibrant prints on the fabric. The handmade rivets make the umbrella all the more distinctive.
Red Gem Handle Folding Umbrella

手工雕刻的银色雕花伞头镶嵌整颗施华洛世奇红宝石,两折叠单层抨击布伞面配合伞骨自动撑开的声音禄宏微交易 ,给使用者带来质感的听觉享受。
Hand carved handle is embellished with Swarovski crystals and red gems.The double-folding mechanism makes a refreshing click sound, bringing a joyful experience for the user.
Gorgeous Purple Flower Umbrella

丝绸般奢华的伞面与大丽花图案相映成趣,在晴雨两用兼具防晒的同时又能将使用者肤色衬托的白皙透亮宗师宝典 。手柄雕花设计镶嵌装饰宝石凸显高贵典雅,三折叠设计使得更加轻便携带。
Bright and saturated colors on the outside and the vivacious dahliaflower prints on the inside, the umbrella is perfect for both sunny day and therainy one. The bright colours enhances the skin’s radiance. The 3-folded design makes it easier to carry.
Black Panther Shoehorn

Skillful artisans have turned the shoehorn into a beautifully carved artwork featuring enameled brass panther handle. The head of the panther is embellished with Swarovski crystals.
Eagle Cane

Made with premium gold plated resin handle怀仁九中 , the cane symbolise an ambitious leader striving toward the bright future.

PASOTTI葩莎帝作为世界三大顶级伞具品牌之一黄昏晓歌词 ,于1956年创立于意大利。作为精致艺术伞具的开创者与极致制伞工艺的传承着,PASOTTI的每款产品均来自于意大利工匠的纯手工制作,波力斯卡 故六十余年来,品牌始终在业内享有盛誉。
As one of the three top leading manufacturers of luxurious umbrellas燃灯之歌 , Pasotti was founded in 1956 in Italy. Known for its exquisite rain gears andthe pioneer in custom umbrellas, all Pasotti umbrellas are handmade byexperienced Italian artisans. That is why it has remained the leader in the industry for over six decades.