

男科问答【视频】“ 个性旅行手册 ”(只限团员) 如约而至|参加七月二十二日周日,制作匈牙利篇-思辩Debate

【视频】“ 个性旅行手册 ”(只限团员) 如约而至|参加七月二十二日周日,制作匈牙利篇-思辩Debate

左上、下、右下图:印刷精美的艺术画册;右上、中下:《创世记》,米开朗琪罗 ( Michelangelo )于西斯汀礼拜堂,大厅天顶的中央部分,依框而画九幅宗教壁画。
Perhaps you’ve toured the Vatican Museum and visited the Sistine Chapel. You have a hastily snapped photo of the ceiling, of course—no better than a print in an art history book, but nonetheless proof you’ve been there. But do you really remember how it actually made youfeel: the awe of staring up at the 500-year-old frescoes? Doubtful.
没有关系残颜公主 ,至少证明到此一游。

Instagram, wechat, note apps, blogs—all the cool kids are using tech to document their travels. But what about keeping it old-school? Give those thumbs a rest and jot down ( yes, with an actual pen ) your finds along the way.
Istagram( 类似微博 )、微信、手机记事簿、博客...... 网络时代的 “ 酷 ” 孩,偏爱以手机记录生活。
但是,人类的 “ 手感 ” 是不可取代的我的小新娘 。“ 笔记 ” 永远不会过时。
孩子们,不妨拿起纸笔,记录旅途中的所见所闻,点点滴滴 ...... 更亲切,更有趣。
" jot sth down meaning: to write something quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it. Learn more. "
游记红焖大虾,“ 随笔 ” 也,没有命题,只是信手记录沿途所记所闻、景点一瞥、美食半盅、三两趣事、印象碎片、感触几许。

In an age where it seems like everyone has a smart phone—and every smart phone has high-quality image resolution—the increased convenience of cameras comes with an unwieldy amount of indiscriminate photo-taking. With a shutter just a finger-swipe away, travelers are able to document every moment of an expedition frame-by-frame, with no need to worry about cost of film or getting images developed. No longer is there an incentive to pick and choose what to record and research indicates this lack of selectivity dulls our memory.
拥有智能手机就仿佛得到世界:APP、文档,电话号码,未读的微信消息x360ce,数G的照片、截图麦德安 ,无数个wifi自动连接,流行歌曲废后将军番外 ,存了好几年的表情包,数不胜数。
遗憾的是,这种 “ 得来全不费功夫 ” ,同时带走了,人生最重要的感观 —— 乐趣!

上图:一本属于自己的旅行手册,朴贤善 比任何照片都珍贵。
( Alice ) Through the Looking Glass|镜中奇遇
In 2014, a study published in Psychological Science tested the note-taking efficacy of two groups of university students: one that took lecture notes on laptops, while a second recorded notes by hand. Results revealed that the students who physically wrote things down processed the information on a significantly deeper level than those on computers, particularly because they were forced to be more discerning in what they chose to transcribe. By virtue of the speed with which they typed, students on laptops tended to document the lecture almost verbatim.
二零一四年,心理科学杂志,针对现代社会的这一新动态,严谨调研,得出结论:逐字照搬的电脑笔录,助长了大脑的惰性,使人们不知不觉月野定规,逐渐放弃了自身的思考,疏散了对知识的筛选,稀释了记忆,淡化了人性 ......

上图:《 Psychological Science 》,美国权威临床心理学期刊。
“ The reason laptop notetakers were doing worse is because they were trying to transcribe as much as they could—to get it all down and sort it out later," says Dr. Pam Mueller, co-author of the study. “ When ( travelers ) try to take all these pictures, it’s a similar instinct. If you’re not processing the information at the time, then the memories just aren’t formed. For people with a camera to their face snapping away, when they look back later, it won’t be the same.”
但是,过份搁置自己的大脑,放弃本能的思索,切身经历的宝贵记忆,极可能不复存在。 Mueller points to other recent studies that suggest an over-reliance on technology is actually deteriorating human memory. Though modern conveniences allow us to record a greater breadth of material, we struggle to contextualize it in our memories because our brain does not have to work as hard to filter it.
Mueller 博士指出:“ 不是危言耸听,全球智能化,过份依賴科技,驟减了人们的记忆再现。必定造成人性枯竭的恶性循环。
标题趣解:“ 镜中( 透过电脑蓝屏、照像镜头、手机屏幕 ...... ) 奇遇 ”一语双关。

*《 Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There 》 (1871) is a famous children's novel by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), similar to his novel,《 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 》.
注*《 爱丽絲镜中奇遇 》( 英語:Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There ),是英國作家路易斯·卡羅於1871年出版的兒童文学作品,也是《 爱丽絲梦遊仙境 》( Alice's Adventures in Wonderland )的续作。作品中有大量关於镜子的主題,像对称、時間逆转等。
維持前作《 爱丽絲梦遊仙境 》中一贯的天馬行空,包含大量令人拍案的双关语、諧音等語言遊戏,以及多首胡闹诗 ( nonsense verse ),展現路易斯·卡羅独特十足的奇幻文风。
英語中暗夜情魔 ,该书通常简称为《 镜中奇遇 》( Through the Looking-Glass )。
笔,强而有力|The Pen Is Mightier

Using a journal, however, allows for incorporating experiences intoa greater narrative.
Unlike static images of places you’ve been, you can document actualanecdotes that will hold greater value in your long-term memory:
The kind localin San Sebastián who recommended a hole-in-the-wall pintxos bar; the wrong turn in Beijing down a traditionalChinese hutong; the taste ofsea salt in the air atop the Irish Cliffs of Moher;the romance we could still hear of Liszt plays in Hungary;the colourful Rubik's Cube puzzle, renowned the world over ......
爱尔兰莫赫悬崖丁立威 ,大西洋沁人心脾的咸味海风;

A Portrait of Hungary
仿佛依然琴声悠然的李斯特 ( Ferenc Liszt ) 故里;
裴多菲 ( Sandor Petofi ) 留下激情澎湃千古诗句的书斋;
琥珀般璀灿色泽的匈牙利 “ 埃格尔公牛血 ” 红葡萄酒 ( Bull's Blood of Eger );
风靡全球近半个世纪脏话文化史,畅销三亿五千多万只,给我们童年增添无穷乐趣的 “ 魔方 ”;
匈牙利人特有的机敏——开启人类书写工具新篇章的 “ 圆珠笔 ”;
电影镜头里出现过无数次的 “ 茜茜公主 ” ......

“ Often the ‘exotic’ nature of a place can only be seen in thedetails,” says John Gimlette, an English award–winning travel writer andauthor. “ Give your notes a truly foreign feel with plenty of local words andnames. Remember to record smells and sounds; they can be as evocative as sightswhen you are trying to recall the scene later.”
“ 英国电讯报 ” 撰稿人约翰·吉姆莱特 ( John Gimlette ) 认为: “ 异国之所以引人入胜,源自于细节的描绘 —— 以旅行者的目光、自己的语言、记录旅行中的耳闻目睹、(包括味觉的)万千感受,才是不枉此行——最美好、最真实的记忆。

视频:来自不同国家的 Hello 问好 !
Gimlette has a tall stack of travel journals dating back to 1980,when at the age of 17 he traversed the Soviet Union via the Trans-SiberianRailway. He advises jotting down notes as you go about your day—specifics youwant to remember—but leaving space to expound upon the experience at a latertime. Ultimately, the type of info you choose to catalog is up to you. Butsimply writing out the finer points of your trip will go a long way towardpreserving the experience in your mind.

上组图:约翰·吉姆莱特十七岁那年,穿越世界上最伟大的西伯利亚铁路,心情和感受,逐一记录成文巴口香 。
标题趣解:“ 笔诛胜于剑伐 ”
* " The pen is mightier than the sword" is a metonymic adage, coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that communication ( particularly written language ), or in some interpretations, administrative power or advocacy of an independent press, is a more effective tool than direct violence.
注* “ 笔诛胜于剑伐 ”,两百年前著名英国小说家布尔沃. 李顿的彦语,沿用至今。
“ Pen(钢笔)” 和 “ sword(剑)” ,有着相似的特征:细长、尖头、用手握。然而,一部伟大的作品,可要比一个挥舞着长剑的征服者,有魅力得多。
“ The pen is mightier than the sword ” 问世之后,马上炙手可热。
1852年,金笔制造商 Levi Willcutt( 列维·维尔卡特 )将其作为广告语;1916年Woodrow Wilson( 伍德洛·维尔逊 )于美国总统竞选演讲中也用到了这句话。
它还是日本 “ 庆应义塾大学 ” 的校训。

上组图:这句著名的俚语 “ the pen is mightier than the sword(笔诛胜于剑伐)”,出自英国著名小说家Edward Bulwer Lytton( 爱德华·沃布尔·利顿 )笔下。
As you prepare for your next adventure, by no means shun the cameraentirely. Instead, think of it as a complement to your travel journal. Usephotos as memory aids, or to capture unique perspectives that will build uponyour writing.
After all, a picture may be worth a thousand words, but athousand pictures are just a gallery of forgotten memories.
如约而至|制作匈牙利篇 “ 个性旅行手册 ” Hungary Travel Journal
让我们在这次的 “ 匈牙利深度游学 ” 中,率先迈出这勇敢的第一步......

Hello everyone,We hope that everybody had enjoyed their Dragonboat Holiday. Just a quick reminder, tht our " Making Your Own Travel Journal " at BIAS studio is now ready to sign up!
Please register now on 18126786147 or wechat us!
希望大家端午短假过得舒适又轻松乌青体 ,今天想提醒大家,匈牙利 “ 个性旅游手册 " 的制作, 已开始接受报名男科问答 ,团友学员们赶快来登记吧九转金身决 !( 注:不设额外费用 )
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